I am encountering a new kind of error with AdMob.
The ad is being shown but im getting this error when
does anyone know the reason behind this code? and how am I supposed to handle it ?
<p>I am encountering a new kind of error with AdMob.</p>
<p>The ad is being shown but im getting this error when <code>onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent</code> is being triggered .</p>
<pre><code>{ "Code": 1, "Message": "The ad has already been shown.", "Domain": "com.google.android.gms.ads", "Cause": "null" }
<p>does anyone know the reason behind this code? and how am I supposed to handle it ?</p>
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The ad is being shown but im getting this error when
is being triggered .
{ "Code": 1, "Message": "The ad has already been shown.", "Domain": "com.google.android.gms.ads", "Cause": "null" }
does anyone know the reason behind this code? and how am I supposed to handle it ?
<p>I am encountering a new kind of error with AdMob.</p>
<p>The ad is being shown but im getting this error when <code>onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent</code> is being triggered .</p>
<pre><code>{ "Code": 1, "Message": "The ad has already been shown.", "Domain": "com.google.android.gms.ads", "Cause": "null" }
<p>does anyone know the reason behind this code? and how am I supposed to handle it ?</p>
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