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Attend graduation?

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/Exciting_Tailor_949
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I have just completed my Masters and now am given the choice to attend my graduation ceremony. I am leaning to not going for the following reasons:

-I am a few months out of an abusive relationship where the other party involved still lives in the city the university is in, and seeing the same streets again may bring back painful memories, as well as the possibility of seeing them, or them even being at the ceremony

-I was an international student and will have to travel back to this country to attend the ceremony, which will cost me and my parents a considerable amount of money

-I will have no friends / classmates graduating with me

-I must ask my former internship supervisor to make a speech about me at the ceremony. I find this to be a big ask of them, and a bit mortifying

-I had been given a job offer from the company I had done my internship at and got a high grade for my thesis, but I had to leave the abusive relationship and give up the offer when I went to live back in my home country to recover. I am still unemployed, so I really am not looking forward to the questions of whether I am working at that company or what I am doing now.

All of these things considered, I feel I may regret it if I do not attend the ceremony. I also still have one friend within the city which I could hopefully meet.

I am asking for advice on should I attend, is it worth it?

submitted by /u/Exciting_Tailor_949
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