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Buyer trying to get credit day of closing



** UPDATE ** : my realtor told them that he would give them $250 to get to deal done today... lol they agreed....
I dont understand how $250 changed their mind but it did... maybe they felt like they had to win? THANK YOU TO ALL THAT COMMENTED AND POSTED. House is officially closed. <3

We are in the process of selling our home and the closing is today (florida). Inspection period is over, as is contract, financing issues should have been disclosed by this monday (nothing was disclosed).

Today the buyer's agent asks us for another 2k credit and threatens not closing today. Today is the day on the contract that closing has to be by or before.

My question now is, say this buyer backs out because of the 2K, we are legally entitled to the escrow deposit right?

submitted by /u/Cultural_Ability4523
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Buyer trying to get credit day of closing
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