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Buyers backed out (the aftermath)

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/Bedroom_Bellamy
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In a nutshell: I posted here a few days ago about buyers backing out after inspection. I posted multiple updates throughout the day as they happened, as the buyers kept making false claims about issues in my house in order to get out of the purchase. One of the things they did was ordered a sewer scope and then claimed my sewer was full of roots, but they refused to share the report with me. Since the report was their property, they're allowed to do that.

I just came back here to say that I got my own sewer scope today and my sewer was clean as a whistle all the way to the street. No breaks, only one tiny root right at the spot where my sewer joins the street. The sewer guy told me this is the cleanest sewer he's seen all day, and that the root was the tiniest thinnest little root he's seen.

I have pest control coming tomorrow to see if I have bats or if that was another lie.

I still have no water in my basement.

submitted by /u/Bedroom_Bellamy
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Buyers backed out (the aftermath)
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