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Can I still renew my license in Texas?



I have (had) a Texas Real Estate License that expired in February 2023. According to the TREC, I have 6 months to 2 years to renew my license. Unfortunately I procrastinated and am currently taking the continuing education courses right now to renew.

Let’s say my license expired on the last day of February, I should be able renew it right? The reason I’m worried is because of how close to the deadline I am. I’ll finish up the courses before the exact date of my “License Expiry” but when I log into the TREC website, under “License Status,” it says “License Term has Expired.”

I don’t think it said that a few weeks to months ago. What does it mean?

Basically, I am wanting to renew my license in Texas. It expired on a certain date in February 2023. I will finish all continuing education courses before that date. License status listed as: License Term has Expired. Will I be able to renew or will I have to apply all over again?

submitted by /u/obsurd_never
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Can I still renew my license in Texas?
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