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Contract for Raw Land Purchase: Consult Real estate agent or Attorney?

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/Brave_Distribution34
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TLDR: Should I consult a real estate agent or attorney when building a contract for raw land purchase.

My wife and I will be looking to buy some improved or raw land come mid spring. We plan on building our own home on said land. Not sure if it’s relevant but this will be east of seattle.

I had originally planned on consulting a real estate attorney to aid in drafting a contract that will protect us during this process. To keep it short, just ensuring the land percs, can support a house, a well, a septic, ect..

After talking to my loan officer (we were originally considering throwing a manufactured home on raw land, however opted for building ourselves), he seemed confused as to why we were consulting an attorney and not a real estate agent. He said an experienced real estate agent in purchasing raw land could easily prep that contract for us.

So that leads us to our question, when drafting a contract for land purchase with intent to build a home, is a real estate agent able to handle that sort of request, or do we need to consult a real estate attorney?

Would also love to hear about experiences of anyone who did something similiar regarding buying raw/improved land and improving said land.

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/Brave_Distribution34
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Contract for Raw Land Purchase: Consult Real estate agent or Attorney?
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