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Inspector to realtor?



My husband is a home inspector. I also hold a license but it is inactive and I have never performed an inspection and do not plan to. I got my license in order to obtain conversational knowledge for when speaking with realtors and home buyers. I own our business (it’s just me and him) and I run the office. I have lots of contact with referring agents and buyers when scheduling things.

I have always been interested in being a realtor. Way before 2021 when we started inspections. I’m still very interested and it comes to mind often lately. I’m worried about a couple things and would love constructive input.

  1. Will our referring realtors see me as competition? Will that negatively affect our inspection business?

  2. When it comes time for my buyers to have inspections, would I just not make inspector recommendations at all? What if I tell my buyer to pick their own inspector and they pick my husband?

These things make me nervous, but I don’t want to miss out on a good opportunity over silly anxieties that may not even matter.

I’m afraid to put this out there to anyone I know bc I don’t want to be recruited bc I’m not sure I should pursue this. And I don’t want any of my referring realtors to shun me over just an idea I’ve had. I’m not ready to expose my thoughts yet to my community until I wrap my head around this. ❤️

Eta: I would not be referring my husband. I’m aware that’s a conflict of interest and I wouldn’t cross that line. Would I just stay out of it period when it comes to inspectors since I’m biased? And what if the buyer finds my husband?

0% of my motivation to enter real estate is to feed our inspection business. We are fortunate to have more business than we can handle. I’m wondering if this career move is possible without causing injury to our inspection business.

submitted by /u/Letsdoit1988
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Inspector to realtor?
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