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Moving to different country and cannot keep paying house



Hi everyone, I’m hoping to get some advice and help please. For a little backstory I am in the Navy, currently stationed in California. Me and my wife bought a house a little over two years ago and it’s been great, we’ve always made payments on time. We have received orders and will be moving to South Korea, we listed our house about 6 months ago and have had no luck selling. Our realtor stated that it’s because everyone is waiting for the new president to come in because interest rates might drop. She said she’s never seen anything like it, but houses are unfortunately not selling. We have decided to try renting the house out and have had no luck yet. We don’t know what to do, we leave to Korea in a month and due to my salary change we will no longer be able to pay off our mortgage and afford to live in Korea. What are some options? What can we do? What should we do? We contacted our lender (veterans united) and had no luck, they didn’t really give us many choices. I feel so lost. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/paopaooooooooo
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Moving to different country and cannot keep paying house
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