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People asking to buy my house



I have lived in my house for 8 years. I plan to move this summer. I have a realtor that I planned to use to sell, though we have not done any work yet or have any contract.

Two people I know have approached me multiple times about selling my home to them. I live in a desirable neighborhood. The most recent house for sale here sold in one day two months ago.

One is my neighbor. He'd like a relative to move next door. The other is a coworker. I live near work and close to a good school. They've both brought it up to me out of the blue on multiple occasions.

I'm all for saving money, but I'm not sure how I'd proceed or what the best approach would be. Do I do this without a realtor? Or would I be better off using one even if one of these two would buy it?

The house value is approximately 550k. Both that have approached me know the value and could afford it.

submitted by /u/Box0fRainbows
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People asking to buy my house
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