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Property tax education

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/Creepy_Finish1497
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Looking to continue educating myself, I looked into how property taxes are caluclated. I watched a video, and read an article.

They have two different approaches for the caluclation:

A. Calculate the value of all properties in a country/area.

B. Calculate the total amount need to provide services for the area. This total amount will be collected through property taxes of all the properties.

C. Divide A by B to come up with a tax rate that will be applied to each property.

D. So if there are three houses with values of $200k, $300k, and $400k:

Total value = $900k

If the total amount needed to provide services to the three houses is $1,500 then the tax rate applied to each house is 1,500/900,000 = .167%

House 1 property tax = .00167*200,000 = $333

House 2 = .00167*300,000 = $500

House 3 = .00167*400,000 = $667

The other calculation says you take the value of your home and multiply it by the statewide assessment rate, then multiply that by the mill levy.

The example has a statewide assessment rate of 11.5% and a total mill levy of 125 mills.

A $200k house would equate to: 200,000 * .115 * .125 = $2,875

These are different examples using arbitrary numbers, and its possible they are saying the same thing, just presented in different ways. There's no way the total sum of services used in the first example would equal $1,500, but the reasoning in the first example is sound in tthat each property will pay a certain percentage of the total amount needed to provide services for their tax jurisdiction (county, town, etc).

The only part of the second calculation that could factor in cost of services is the statewide assessment rate of 11.5%. I'm not sure how this number is derived.

submitted by /u/Creepy_Finish1497
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Property tax education
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