Listed a rental, upgraded to premium, but listing not showing up in any type of Zillow searches, e.g. look around the map area. When searched the exact address, preview shows off market and shows old pictures. Only when clicking in then the new pic shows up and says for rent.
Called +1 (877) 313-8601 and got directed to bots Submitted a request ticket and no response.
Don’t know what to do next, any idea will be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by /u/jellonn
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Rental not showing up in Zillow map search
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Called +1 (877) 313-8601 and got directed to bots Submitted a request ticket and no response.
Don’t know what to do next, any idea will be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by /u/jellonn
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Rental not showing up in Zillow map search
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