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Researching user/patient experience on digital health platforms/apps 📱



Hi everyone! 👋

Ever had a hard time booking an appointment with your General Practitioner?

I’m conducting a research study for my master's dissertation on people's experience with digital
health platforms for managing simple health tasks like booking appointments and refilling prescriptions.

Your feedback will raise awareness about how these tools can better support people like you!

🕒 Time commitment: Just 10 minutes
🌐 Completely anonymous
📱 Who can participate: Anyone aged 18 or older

Important Note:

📱Best experience on mobile (or make sure to use Google Chrome on Desktop 💻 ).

If you’re interested, please click the link below to join the study: https://uva.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4MYfggwIVNm9LLw

Thanks in advance! :)

submitted by /u/-Killua03-
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