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Should I be worried that my (buyer) agent did not explain the BBA to me at all?



First time home buyer from out of state (will be moving in a couple months)

I had a short introductory call with an agent 4 days ago, and she’s since set me up in their portal and added 30+ listings there (based on initial 5 listings that I had found myself and search criteria that I sent her). I marked 10 of them as homes I’d be interested to tour.

I’ll be in town this weekend, so she’s scheduled showings for 8 of the homes I’m interested in and gave me open house times (to go by myself) for the other 2.

Here’s where I’m not sure what to think: From my own research, I knew that I need to sign a BBA before the agent can show me anything. However, she didn’t mention it at all during our initial (and only) call. Today, she emailed me the BBA to sign, just the link to access and sign the doc - no offer to walk through the agreement with me or text or email body or even a “Hi, you’ll need to sign this doc before this weekend for the showings”. I wouldn’t have known what this doc is at all if not for my previous research. The BBA also seemed really restrictive… It covers the entire state, exclusivity for 1 year, and protection period for 6 months.

My questions: 1) Is it weird that the agent tried to get me to sign the BBA without at least offering to explain to me what I’m signing? Or am I reading too much into it? 2) Are those terms standard for an exclusive buyers agreement?

submitted by /u/lazybug_potato
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Should I be worried that my (buyer) agent did not explain the BBA to me at all?
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