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Should I Trust My Structural Engineer's Assessment or Seek a Second Opinion?

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/root25
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I bought a house in Dallas, TX. The house is 20 years old, and we noticed some small cracks on both sides of the house. I hired a structural engineer. After taking his measurements, he said, "The foundation has an overall deflection that is approximately 65% of the allowable overall deflection. Repairs to level the foundation would be extensive, damaging, and expensive relative to the benefits and are not recommended at this time.

We recommend sealing the brick joints. We also recommend installing a surface drain system with discharge to the ditch."

Should I listen to the structural engineer or get a second opinion?

https://i.postimg.cc/vZGGrR5P/reading.png (Elevation readings)

https://i.postimg.cc/d1jBTyFN/01.png (Brick)

https://i.postimg.cc/c4bcYZqW/02.png (Brick)

https://i.postimg.cc/vZxttjMV/03.png (Brick)

Thank you

submitted by /u/root25
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Should I Trust My Structural Engineer's Assessment or Seek a Second Opinion?
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