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What would you do in my shoes? (Career plan)



I’m currently a second year at UCLA and I’m majoring in economics. I want to be a Transaction Coordinator once I graduate so I can work remote and brainstorm ideas to start my own business. I’m working on getting my RE license and then plan on taking TC courses afterwards. I plan to finish both courses around April. Once completed, I want to shadow a TC or intern at a brokerage for 2-6 months until I gain enough experience to work as a TC (I was told that you only need to shadow a TC for a couple of closes and then you should be fine to work as a TC on your own but I’m not sure). After working as a TC for 3-4 years I want to either become a broker or start my own company in the RE industry.

For my questions: 1. Are TC’s paid well for the workload? Is it worth pursuing? 2. Are there any other RE jobs that pay better and allow me to work remote? 3. Would I be able to work as a TC while being in college? 4. Are RE and TC courses useful to become a TC?

submitted by /u/EvidenceCommon3340
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What would you do in my shoes? (Career plan)
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